Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Here's a brief summary of what we're doing here!

Firstly,Why Become a Green Sanctuary?

The Green Sanctuary Program is a natural growth based in the 7th Principal: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.  Please see the UUA Green Sanctuary Program page to learn a bit more: http://www.uua.org/environment/sanctuary

CCUU began working toward Green Sanctuary accreditation in Fall of 2015.  A Green Action Team was formed by a few interested members of the congregation, and now includes Rev. Jim VanderWeele, Alicia Cooke, Claire Lute, Howard Mielke, Laura Miller,  and Sky Stewart.  Our team began meeting in December, 2015, after receiving approval from the Board to pursue accreditation.  We have only just begun our Congregational Assessment to gain a deeper understanding of our members' environmental impacts and action.

In the next few weeks, our team will meet again, and we will be involving the congregation in a personal survey of environmental actions (participation will be anonymous- we want to know what are members are doing, but we don't need your identity!)

We will continue to update the congregation on our progress on this blog.  We are excited to complete the assessment phase and to begin involving the whole congregation and wider community in more social and environmental action endeavors- through our Action Plan.

Follow our journey, and get ready to join our team as we continue to work toward accreditation and a greener, more just community.